Jan 2, 2016

A Summary of Homework Research

 Research Trends: Why Homework Should Be Balanced

This is a nice summary of the research and a jumping-off-point for real conversations on the value of homework. Here is my comment on the site:
Forgive my lateness to the party... Having read Marzano, Vatterott, and Kohn, I realized that, as an elementary teacher, I needed to start questioning my use of homework. I'm glad to see articles like Mr. Terada's because I hope it forces teachers to consider their homework philosophies. Unfortunately, somehow, teachers tend to believe that their homework policies fall in line with the research and nothing changes. We assume that our homework assignments are fulfilling the Pros, and simply make excuses about the Cons. For elementary students, I can't stop thinking about two things. If lessons and assignments were more engaging and students enjoyed learning more, I don't think we would need homework; plus, I should facilitate their practice anyway. And, secondly, it's hard for me to justify homework when it forces itself into personal and family time. Teachers argue about a lack of time and a need for practice, but those seem like issues that should be fixed in the classroom.

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