"The researchers analyzed data from 5,800 elementary school students and found that boys performed better on standardized exams in math, reading and science than their course grades reflected. The authors suggest that girls are truly only outperforming boys in "non-cognitive approaches to learning" -- defined as attentiveness, task persistence, eagerness to learn, learning independence, flexibility and organization -- leading to better grades from teachers."My first reaction to the article was No, duh. I wasn't going to even post it, but I enjoyed reading a few of the comments.
Comment from eceresa: So the authors' contention is that the boys know the material (as evidenced by test scores) but the girls are more persistent, organized, and attentive (evidenced, probably, by doing more of their work). And the higher grades that the girls receive in this situation are, according to those authors, indicative of a problem? They're wrong. They're indicative of TWO problems: first, that the boys need to become more persistent, organized, and attentive, and second, that the authors need to learn that students' grades do and SHOULD reflect more than just test scores.
Comment from educatedsoccermom: Add the elimination (or drastic reduction) of PE and recess, increased academic pressures at younger ages, and spending hours upon hours drilling for standardized testing and it's no surprise at all. One of my boys was miserable in public school by third grade. Desperate we moved him to an independent school that had PE and gym every day plus more time for art and music. He thrived there and more importantly liked school again. He had great teachers but the system is broken.
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