Jul 30, 2012

SITE: Instructional Strategies

Don't let the name of the site fool you--it has several strategies and links for use across subjects. Below, you'll find the sections and explanations.

Active Participation
These strategies support active student participation in math lessons and allow teachers to assess the developing proficiency levels of all students in the class by walking around to monitor student responses. These strategies are especially effective during the Mental Math part of an Everyday Mathematics lesson.


Assessment takes many different forms in today's math classroom. Teachers who maximize active student participation in lessons also maximize assessment opportunities. Assessment must both diagnose student strengths/weaknesses and inform instructional decision-making. Good assessment practices provide information on student conceptual/skill development as well as information on the effectiveness of instructional activities and grouping practices.

Classroom Management
These resources offer practical suggestions to help teachers organize classrooms and implement practices that help students achieve both academic and personal success.

Cooperative Learning
Teachers must use flexible grouping practices to best address the varied needs of students in a heterogeneous classroom. Over the course of a lesson or a unit, successful teachers break from whole-class instruction to require students to work as partners or small groups, making students more actively involved and responsible for their own learning.


Differentiating instruction recognizes that today's classrooms are comprised of students of varied ability levels, interests and capacity for independent work. The regular use of differentiated instruction recognizes these differences and targets instruction, activities and flexible grouping practices to more effectively meet the needs of each student in a heterogeneous class. 

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